Traditionally, people take a sabbatical every 7 years; Macy's Santa Claus resisted 160 but was beaten by Covid. It's not the only one, but it's the most emblematic. We’ll have thousands of Santas practicing social distancing in the North Pole (where there’s certainly no lack of space) and the holiday season will be hosted by huge companies that already dominate the internet. Actually, the forecast is that in 2020 online sales will grow off the charts. And it’s perfectly understandable. After 10 months of isolation, forgoing travels, vacations and entertainment, it’s not surprising that people will want to compensate with gifts and decoration. Are we ready to secure the space the online sales behemoths fortunately haven't occupied yet? The 1st step is to avoid ineffective online marketing. Either we meet the consumer expectations for more personalized engagement or we’ll miss the opportunity. Loyalty is not to be taken for granted. We have to conquer it everyday, giving consumers what they want when they want it. Here’s the thing (if I may borrow the expression): this year there will be no “real” Santas to receive our orders, and even less to deliver them. If our goal is to guarantee some ho-ho-ho, it's more than time to roll up our sleeves.